Jailbreaking – A $600 bet!

There are a lot of similarities in the glamour and technology world. For one, everyone likes to follow a trend. Jailbreaking was on such trend which was prominent long back. As per this trend, everyone who didn’t jailbreak the phone can expect to be bullied by fellow geeks. This trend was similar to the MAC phenomena wherein technical abilities were judged by the type of laptop one uses.

Scared of social setback, I, too, jail broke my phone. Of course, the reasons were similar to others: I wanted to become millionaire overnight by developing apps, although, predictably, it never happened. Perhaps, once in a while, I may have tried to tether the internet.

Few days back, since my contract was over, I had put the phone on rest for some time after I started using my new phone. And, as a result, I forgot the PIN code to unlock the home screen. After few days, finding no use for the old phone, I decided to sell it. In order to sell, I had to unlock and restore to the factory settings. I tried all the combinations I could have possibly used to unlock, but, unfortunately, none of them worked, and thus I decided to call apple.

Apple representative said the only choice you have now is to restore the phone. Seeing restore fail every time I tried, I further consulted apple representative. He tried various methods but none of them worked, so he finally concluded that your phone was jailbroken. He also said, “Since some of the software used for jailbreaking can spread to the core of the phone, even the original software can’t overridde those areas. Now, the only place I can think for your phone is dust bin.” When I heard this, I felt the earth move under my feet. To me, it was even more shocking, as I had never put jailbreak feature to a good use.

Shaken by the news, I decided to try few more things before I give up. Luckily, when I updated my ITunes, it worked. Then I realized that perhaps I had jailbroken my other IPhone and not this one. Irrespective of whether this phone got recovered or I will be able to recover the other one, my point is that jailbreaking is a risky process and can end the life of your phone. You should try only if you can afford to lose the phone.

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